
    How To Use Social Media To Boost Your Mobile Marketing

    Mobile marketing is one of the newest types of marketing, yet it actually incorporates elements of some of the oldest and well proven methods. Many of the same rules that apply to other kinds of marketing will apply to mobile marketing too. However, there are some noteworthy differences. This article presents some solid advice on getting the best from this brilliant advertising medium.

    Remember, phones are personal! Mobile goes beyond cell phones and internet. Subscribers are connected by texting, voice, mobile internet, and smartphone apps. There are things being added to the mobile environment to meet everyone’s various needs, and you need to do the same. Your mobile campaigns need to be easily accessible, personal, and relevant!

    Provide instant rewards. With mobile marketing you can give your customers what they want, with no delays. Having a delay can make things lose their value or demand. People will participate in your marketing campaign hoping to get the promised reward. The quicker they get the reward, the happier they will be.

    Ask customers for their cell phone numbers. The easiest way to do this is with your current email subscribers. When they fill out the form to subscribe, you can ask them to add their phone numbers in, for any alerts or special deals. This is a quick method of gaining new customers for mobile marketing.

    Mobile marketing is one of the most personal ways that you can keep in touch with your customers. This is important to know because you can specialize content directly to the customers that you wish to target. It is a marketing technique that actually shares in the person’s lifestyle.

    Avoid anything in mobile marketing that seems too easy. If it seems like it may be really easy to implement, you can be sure that something’s wrong with it. Of course, we’re talking about mobile-specific things here, like apps and formatted sites. A lot of ads and email techniques are universal, so don’t fret on that front.

    Your natural inclination may be to send out unsolicited messages with your new mobile marketing campaign, but spamming people is never the way to go in any campaign. It is a huge turn-off and can possibly leave a permanent stain on your reputation and cause you to lose regular customers.

    When creating a QR code for printed advertisements, use a URL shortener to keep the QR code as simple as possible. Simple QR codes are easier to scan. If your potential customer has to attempt to scan a QR code multiple times they might give up, costing you a customer.

    Although every marketer out there should develop a mobile marketing plan, you should never rush into this type of marketing. Just think, you’ve gone this long without mobile marketing, why would you need to instantly jump into it now? Take your time and take baby steps, working your way up the ladder.

    Split-test your landing pages to see which one performs better. This is a great tactic to use in your mobile marketing campaign because it allows you to quickly put the better material out there. By creating two unique landing pages and then using HubSpot tools, you can perform an A/B Split Test and find out which page to go with.

    Set aside at least one day a month that’s wholly devoted to viewing your stats and the effectiveness of your campaign if you want to adjust properly as you go along. You would probably be better off doing this every two weeks, but once a month is probably more realistic for busy marketers.

    Utilize the dedicated short code. It will cost more but go a long way in securing your brand. It also gives you some legal coverage.

    Make your messages concise. This isn’t the time to worry about perfect spelling, as you are limited in the number of characters you can use. If you choose “B” instead of “be”, or “2” instead of “To” you will save characters, and potentially cost. There are some great texting translators online which can help with this.

    When you set up social networking pages about your business, add links back to your webpage to make it easy for others to find you. Different customers will come from different referring sites, and you do not want to limit their ability to find you easily.

    To take your mobile marketing to the next level, promote your phone number. It sounds mundane to promote a telephone number when the mobile marketplace is chock full of location aware services and directions on demand. But, do not forget most mobile devices are phones. Get your phone number out in the open. Place it prominently on the home page of your optimized website. Just one click of that phone number gives them easy access to your company.

    Make sure your ad is compatible with every type of handset. To ensure you don’t lose your professional reputation, you must make sure that users of all types of mobile phone can interact with your ad campaign. If you distribute a mobile ad that does not display on certain platforms, brings up error messages or even worse crashes the user’s cell phone, you are unlikely to attract any potential buyers to your company.

    Mobile marketing gives you instant access to a large audience, but you should never abuse the privilege. Take a slow, thought-out approach in using the mobile marketing techniques you have learned from this article. If you follow the advice given here, you will most likely find that you have new customers and more profits coming in.

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